Hop for Charity–Vinspire supports American Heart Association

In America, there’s a huge need for heart disease awareness. We eat badly, exercise less, and have a very high risk for developing heart disease in this country. Here are a few tips from the American Heart Association on changing your ways and gaining a healthier heart.

Good Nutrition-it’s not always easy to understand what’s good and what isn’t. A salad may look healthy, but sometimes can have more calories and fats than a home-cooked dinner! Study up on your nutritional facts here: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/Nutrition-Center_UCM_001188_SubHomePage.jsp

Getting Active-taking the stairs, walking to work, strolling in the park during your lunch break…getting exercise is easier than you may think! Try on some new ideas here: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/Physical-Activity_UCM_001080_SubHomePage.jsp

Weight Management-Being overweight strains your heart and all your organs in your body. It’s important to find a good weight for you! Learn more here: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/WeightManagement/Weight-Management_UCM_001081_SubHomePage.jsp

Stress Management – stress affects us all in different ways. Through aches and pains, or emotional upsets. Learning how to manage your stress leads to a healthy heart! http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/StressManagement/Stress-Management_UCM_001082_SubHomePage.jsp

Fats and Oils- Meet Mr. Fat and Ms. Oil. Who’s the real villain? Can they live in harmony? See here: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/FatsAndOils/Fats-Oils_UCM_001084_SubHomePage.jsp

Quit Smoking- Quitting smoking is the number one way to prevent premature death. Do it! http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/QuitSmoking/Quit-Smoking_UCM_001085_SubHomePage.jsp

Support your American Heart Association and help bring awareness and new technologies to the world http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/

Vinspire Publishing is giving away a free book to one lucky commenter! Winner will receive his/her choice from our catalog! Good luck!

24 responses to “Hop for Charity–Vinspire supports American Heart Association

  1. Thank you for thisinformation about a great organization and for this giveaway

  2. I think heart diseases are a worldwide problem these days. I know a lot of people who suffer from this, whether it’s “just” bad blood pressure or thrombosis. We need to stop this develeopment and find a cure for those, who are already sick.
    Thank you for having this giveaway, it’s great.

  3. American Heart Association is such a great cause. Thank you for the giveaway.
    Sue B

  4. Georgette Coan

    Thank you for the information. Heart disease is a problem-like cancer-that affects everyone. Even if you aren’t afflicted with it yourself, surely someone you know has it, or has had it, or in my case, lost family to it. It’s so important with modern medicine and techonology advancing as it has, that someone finds a cure. I thank you for highlighting this cause and doing the giveaway. The more people post/blog/raise awareness of it, the better the chances are down the road.

  5. Great Charity. Posted on my blog.

  6. heart disease in women is an ever increasing threat. Most people don’t think about their heart until it’s too late.
    Lmackesy at gmail dot com

  7. So many people are unaware of how wide spread heart disease really is, especially among women. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  8. This was a very good idea, I learned so many things in one day than i did over years. thank you so much for this information.

  9. heart disease is getting to be very common, i had family who suffered from it.

  10. Thank you for the info and the giveaway.

  11. Wow, this is a great blog hop.

  12. I support the heart association as well.

  13. This is an awesome organization that helps thousands, so thanks!

    Hollybwright atcomcastdotnet

  14. My mom has heart problems so we are very aware of the importance of heart health education. Thanks for supporting them. 🙂
    oneagainst at hotmail dot com

  15. Great charity and great information! Thanks! I’ll be passing on the links to members of my family!

  16. I have recently had heart problems and appreciate your supporting this good cause.

  17. Thanks for the wonderful information about the American Heart Association!
    Kim Reid

  18. I appreciate all of the information I can get from the American Heart Association as I have 2 stents that are keeping my LAD open and keeping me here. I was lucky and didn’t have a heart attack nor did I have heart damage and I’d like to keep it that way.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  19. Thanks for participating in the hop and supporting this worthwhile cause.

  20. Thanks for participating in the hop and supporting this worthwhile cause 🙂

  21. Thanks for this great giveaway and the info!

  22. Thanks for all the information on these charities.


  23. Thank you all for commenting! The winner of our free book is lexnick! Congrats! I’ll be in touch!

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