Tag Archives: Blessed

The Fallible Publisher

Humanity in Human

February 14th we celebrated our 14th anniversary in business. It’s been fourteen years since we opened the doors of Vinspire Publishing, originally named Vintage Romance Publishing. Over the years, we’ve had plenty of ups and downs. Sometimes, you take two steps forward and four steps back, but we move forward, always believing that we were in this for a reason.

This week has challenged us. Problems have arisen that we couldn’t have anticipated, but we’re working through them and pressing on. For behind the doors of Vinspire Publishing are humans that are not infallible, and the moment we start seeing ourselves as perfect is the very moment we fail as humans.

We believe in our authors, in their books, and their ability to achieve their dreams, and we’re proud to be a small part in their accomplishments. We’ve launched careers, allowed writers to hold their first published book in their hands, and have seen them soar beyond their own expectations. And that’s why we keep going.

Mistakes still happen even after fourteen years. Someone behind the scenes will push a wrong button. An initial will be left off of a header. A conversion won’t go as planned, and we’ll be scrambling to correct a book for a disappointed author. We’ll apologize and hope they believe we still have their best interests at heart. Because we are human. Hopelessly fallible and ever hopeful we can do better!

And we are thankful, grateful, and blessed for each and every one of those fourteen years. We look forward to many more!